Monday, December 29, 2008

The Long Post, Goodnight

Hey Folks,

Well it's been nearly a year. My last post was near the end of March. The Keckventure has been on rails, fallen off of rails, and gone through all sorts of changes. I'll attempt a semi-quick update, bring everyone up to speed on the things that are my life. Then I need to advertise in order to get people back reading.

The first: I'm no longer a vegetarian. This will come as a shock and disheartening to some I'm sure - but for myself, it just was not practical in the long run, for several reasons. One of those being bacon. Just trips you up sometimes. Also with the weight loss concern, it was intelligent to get a more consistent source of protein in my diet. It was primarily a health choice in any case, and from that experience my diet has improved drastically, my diet is miles away from how it used to be, I am far less picky and my palette has also remained thusly expanded (did I just use the term, 'thusly'?).

The next: I now live in Halifax. The Keckventure - which is loosely defined as the random events that effect my life, which mostly occur in the movies and not in an actual person's life, but somehow still happen to me - Came with me. The primary Keckventure occured concerning the circumstances that brought be to Halifax from Antigonish. I had to change cities in three days. I got a last-minute call from Nova Scotia Environment for an internship on the Friday, and started work on the Monday. It was a crazy move, and thankfully I had people to rely on in Halifax to move in with and start this internship and move forward in my career. It was a good internship and I learned a lot over the two months there, as it ended in September.

Afterward I still needed to work while searching for careers in my field (If anyone has an inside scoop on an aquatics sector opening, let me know). So I now work at the front desk of the Westin Nova Scotian Hotel. It's a good job right now, great staff and it keeps me going while living in a fantastic city.

While moving, I impressed my then, new girlfriend. We've been together for six months now, and it's a wonderful relationship. At the time of my move, however, we were dating for all of two-to-three weeks at the time of the move. However, she has now moved to Halifax as well, and so all is well again. I actually can't wait to get back to Halifax to get my christmas gift. lol.

The Sadness: My grandfather, aka Dadda, aka Roland Wood, passsed away on December 19th. It's been a rough Christmas. We've all been there for my grandmother, aka Momma, whose now in Kingston for a bit at my Aunt's house. The whole family was back in the old house, and we the cousins all stayed with Momma all the time in the house that has been the family house since the sixties. The funeral was beautiful, and he had a Masonic Service, which is what he would have wanted. Truth be told, we have it on good authority that this was the most well-attended Masonic Service that most of the people had ever attended - thus was the sphere of respect and brotherhood that Dadda instilled in others.

He was a man who respected others and held him self with the greatest of poise and dignity. A true gentleman. It really is the hope of myself and indeed of everybody that we can measure of the half the man that he was in his life. More stories will come of him later as it becomes easier to speak of him in life and the time of celebration of that life continues.

Anyway, That's a quick update. I'll be bringing some stories into further issues of the Keckventure from him and from the past year. There are a lot of new people and new situations that will definitely require backstories. A lot can happen over nine months I suppose.

Also, stop by my friend Ally's new blog, The Neighbourhood Zombie Watch. Ask Ally is on a hiatus at the moment, so she started up some new stuff. I'll post a link soon so you can take a peek at that.

Cheers all


Ally said...

Hey darling!

I am so sorry to hear about your Dadda; that must be really, really rough but I am glad to hear that you're getting through the holidays alright and that post-Xav life is treating you well!

Also, just a correction, Ask Ally is technically not on a hiatus, but posting on it will be less frequent than usual due to time contraints throught January at least.

Much love!

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam,

Sorry about your grandfather...I lost mine shortly before Christmas last year and it still upsets me...espescailly this year when I walked by Hickory Farms (which is a kiosk in White Oaks set up at this was always where I bought for grandfatehr from). Things get easier and the memories will never die and will comfort you when you are the most down. Congrats on the big move, the new job and the new girlfriend! Sounds like you are doing really well out there right now and glad you've found someone that puts a skip to your step! Anyways facebook me sometimes...miss talking to you.

