It's been a long time my dear devoted readers, and I apologize. Life, papers, etc. seem to get in the way sometimes. But I am back, and though it might no longer be a daily, I will be communicating once more. Mostly about the exam period, my time stuck here in Antigonish until Dec. 24th (I fly home quite early on Christmas Morning) and then how my Christmas as a Vegetarian fares, back home amongst the family and friends.
What's been up with me? Well, tonight I went and saw 'Across The Universe' a movie inspired by Beatles songs that takes us through occurances with a group of people of different backgrounds in New York City during the Vietnam War. any more than that and I'll spoil it - So go and see it. It is quite brilliant.
I'll tell you right now though, halfway through I nearly left the theatre to come on here and do a post apologizing because it was so tempting to pack a bag and leave for New York tonight. As your can tell, I didn't - but I'm a romantic like that. Belief in the impossible adventure - disappearing somewhere and completely immersing oneself in something new. I've established my vegetarianism, time for something new. lol.
Other than that it's been all work and school. Not getting proper sleep, generally up til about 4 AM, writing papers and reports and generally conversing with other folks like myself staying up til all hours of the day and night. You get used to it - though I can't wait to get back on a proper sleep schedule. It'll be quite nice.
I have 2 exams - one next Saturday, and the other on the 11th, plus a paper due Wednesday and another one due on the 13th. So still quite the workload - plus I'm going back to work full time (if they'll let me) until the 24th. Gotta make the money - and to be completely honest, though I may complain sometimes, I really do enjoy my job. It's low responsibility, the people are great, and I get a thrill out of customers. I enjoy helping when I can, joking around, talking about the weather. All that fun stuff.
Speaking of weather - December 1st we got a snowstorm and it's a winter wonderland out there. First time I've seen significant snow this early in a LONG LONG time. Makes me feel good - like the Earth might not be so screwed after all and we can still do something about it. As far as we've gotten, I do believe there will still be significant change, but perhaps its not absolutely too late, as the doomsday theorists would have us believe.
It's been a year now since I received my x-ring. I'm currently cleaning it actually - getting it ready for the big occasion. A lot of my friends from Harlow are getting there's tomorrow and I'm very excited for them. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get into the party, but I wish them all the best, and will be celebrating no matter where I wind up. I remember this time last year, the night before and the morning of, being so excited. I could hardly think. Jay and I started drinking early on in our room, and it just continued from there. The four of us who received our X-Rings in England have dual recognition as the first official x-ring ceremony outside of Antigonish, and the last to be held in a chapel. a very prestigious honour.
Although now, remembering my X-Ring speech, I can't help but smile. I'm going to paste it in for you guys to read. A bit of backstory first. We ordered our rings, and built the situation that allowed us to get them shipped over. Peter Clancy and Marc Rodrigue, who took the initiative to plan our ceremony were taking care of everything. What happened next was staggering. One of our rings got lost. And so they wouldn't send any if they didn't have the fourth. It was touch-and-go for a while, but they found the 4th Ring and shipped it fast as they could, so that the four rings arrived the night before the ceremony. Because of the situation, our guest speaker and guest alumni from London had actually offered to let us use their x-rings for the ceremony and pictures so we would still be able to have the ceremony properly. The rest is explained in my speech:
I had considerable trouble writing this speech. I just couldn’t find the right words, the right phrases to express my feelings about X, the ring and the Xavarian family. Then, the situation with our rings occurred, and I saw symbolism in their journey. It was very similar to the journey we take as students when going through at StFX.
I think I'll close there for tonight, on a positive note. I want to throw a shout-out to Carly Wignes as well, who reads the blog and my column who made a point a couple weeks ago. She responded on how I seemed to be more of a health promoting kind of guy as opposed to a vegetarian, which is true. You can eat all the steak you want, so long as you're healthy about it. lol.
Cheers all and happy St. Francis Xavier Feast Day to all. It's bigger than Christmas, I assure you.
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